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3:20 PM

3:25 PM
Колонный зал

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

Natalya Klimchuk. Opening remarks

куратор - Bang Bang Education

Natasha Klimchuk

Natasha Klimchuk

Bang Bang Education , founder

Curator of the section "Education". Co-author of the film "100 Years of Design", in which the best designers of the country took part. For 5 years she headed the department of illustrators at the Lebedev Studio, for 11 years she has been working on Bang! Bang! She has recorded about 100 conversations with famous designers. Held an online social responsibility festival and product design festival that raises the issue of gender equality in the industry.

evening :

3:25 PM

3:45 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

Who needs this: sound-oriented educational practices


3:30 PM

3:50 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Reconsidering of digital photography - new tools in the preparation, creation and presentation of photo projects


3:45 PM

4:05 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

EDAS. The book


3:50 PM

4:10 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Presentation of the new filming corps Mayak


4:05 PM

4:25 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

Far that will become close


4:10 PM

4:30 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Presentation of the new agency FASHION DEPT. Collaboration of professionals in the name of Fashion photography


4:35 PM

4:40 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Ivan Nefyodkin, Anna Smirnova. Opening remarks


4:40 PM

5:10 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

NFT live performance by Brickspacer artist


4:40 PM

5:00 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Release of a new project by Generative Gallery


5:00 PM

5:20 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Charity in NFT


5:55 PM

6:15 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

NFT series: new forms of interaction between technology and creativity
