HSE Career Антон Мишин

Websites Design
HSE University
HSE Career

This work
in other

UX, UI & Journey Design


Create a recruitment service designed to meet the individual requirements of the customer. The service should connect HSE students and graduates with employers, university partners who are ready to provide exclusive internships and vacancies

Ideas and solutions

HSE Career has two main roles — employer and applicant. The Employer can post vacancies on the service and see responses to them, but it is not possible to search for and offer employment to students themselves. The employer has the opportunity to select vacancies by filters. They are also designed individually for HSE. HR can save the profiles that he likes but in separate folders. An employer registered with HSE.Career is restricted by fairly strict rules regarding student applicants. So, all vacancies have an expiration date of 1 month, after which it’s automatically archived. Also, the employer cannot refuse a student without explaining the reasons. There is a set of prepared options: "Irrelevant experience" or "Not enough specific skills specified in the vacancy", etc. In addition, you must specify the type of vacancy — internship or job. The Applicant enters the service via the HSE DFS (universal authorization system). In his account, all the necessary information for the employer is integrated — personal data, educational direction, position in the rating, average score, etc. The applicant only has to fill in the work experience. For this section, there are clear layouts and restrictions on the number of characters. The place of work is highlighted separately, as a more relevant indicator for employers (at the request of HSE partners). Likewise in the profile, the responsibilities and achievements of the applicant are divided. The Applicant can create only 2 CVs. In the personal account, the applicant sees the views and responses, as well as detailed information about who and when viewed his response. The search interface for the student is different from HH.ru. First, similar jobs were replaced with similar companies. Secondly, in addition to the classic filters for the desired salary and employment level, we have installed HSE filters for campuses, industries and professional functions. Login: smartlms-test@edu.hse.ru password: n%7woLBh