Interview App Антон Мишин

Apps Design
Interview App

This work
in other

UX, UI & Journey Design


To develop an application that would facilitate the HR process of interviewing potential employees, as well as help to compile unified reports for the boss or the customer

Ideas and solutions

Together with several other developers, we decided to create a service that would help the employer conduct more advanced and in-depth interviews, select the necessary interview format, search, create and save question templates, unify the reporting process and make HR's life easier in every possible way. The service's functionality was developed for the full recruitment process and tailored to specific needs. First, we have uploaded an extensive library of standardized questions for some positions we know— you don't have to waste time writing your script. This archive is constantly updated with new templates. But if you are used to making a list of questions by yourself, you can enter them and save them in drafts for each questionnaire. During the interview, the screen displays each question one by one, with or without answer options, then you swipe them on the Tinder principle — right like, left dislike. This way you don't get distracted from the interviewee's responses to your notes. Also, available tags that you can mark questions and answers at the bottom of the screen displays the remaining number of questions. Finally, you can use the app to conveniently compare candidates by responses, instantly upload reports on interviews, and very specifically argue the employee's choice to the boss or customer. Result: we created the application that will significantly simplify the hiring process, save employees from having to mess with the paperwork of each applicant, and have everything at once and together in a convenient and practical interface. The app is currently being finalized and reviews are being collected