DROP - a limited collection of art from Russian designers for SberSpasibo Антон Кудашов
To attract progressive Mellinials to the loyalty program so that they themselves become "advocates" of the brand. And also, to motivate existing users to spend the bonuses accumulated in the program.
Ideas and solutions
Having studied the target audience, we formed several interesting insights: - the topic of art is gaining more and more interest, especially among young and progressive - we see the demand of people to acquire home art objects - Millennials actively support projects with local artists and influencers. Thus, we decided to enter the territory of design and contemporary art. So that every person has the opportunity to become the owner of an object, the very same contemporary art. We were attracted by 3 significant persons of the modern design community. 1. Grouping ADED - Known at the same time for the mysterious art groups of modern Russia. Stickers with the pseudonyms SPACER, NAMER, JUICE, COZEK, CAPTEK can be found all over the world: from St. Petersburg "well" to Berlin Berghain. 2. Sasha Frolova - finalist for the Kandinsky Prize and ARTE LAGUNA. Among the latest significant events, a joint project with Dolce & Gabbana can be noted. 3. Eduard Eremchuk - A young and talented architect who has worked for the legendary Bureau Betak, creating projects for Michael Kors and other fan brands. In total, 9 items (3 from each) were obtained as promotional materials for the project. Each item is unique in its visual performance, material from which it was created and the possibility of its use. Were created: a vase for flowers, a mirror, bed linen, an inflatable chair, a figure of Sasha Frolova, posters for the house, a housekeeper, a towel, an incense stand, in general, everyone could choose an item that suits him. To draw attention to promotional products, we created special content with objects - we used 3D models of objects, made a sound design and filmed all the items. Result: + Transfers of bonuses between members of the SberSpasibo loyalty program increased 14 times. + Exceeding the KPI for contacts by more than 3 times (KPI - 30,000,000, FACT - 154,041,700) + News about the project spread to the TOP lifestyle and glossy media, telegram channels: BURO, Blueprint