Those who search

Those who search Информационное агентство ТАСС

Interactive projects
Non-commercial Projects
TASS Russian News Agency
TASS Russian News Agency


The goal of the project is to raise awareness and credibility of the LizaAlert search and rescue team. And also to draw attention of the wide audience to volunteering in general.

Ideas and solutions

The project was timed to the tenth anniversary of LizaAlert. On the one hand it romanticizes the image of a volunteer, on the other hand it gives a real insight into the motivation of the volunteers and the sense of their work. Also it gives some useful tips on how you can join the organization. The publication also includes the LizaAlert hotline number and instructions on how to act in various cases of emergency. Personal stories of our heroes were published twice a week, which kept readers’ interest in the project for the whole month. Since the release the project got almost half a million views.