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2:35 PM

2:55 PM
Колонный зал

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

Factory - from production to creativity

куратор - Дмитрий Барсенков

Asya Philippova

Asya Philippova

Center for Creative Industries "Fabrika" , director

In 1992 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University with a degree in Economic Cybernetics. During her student years, which coincided with the period of "perestroika" and the general renewal of the country, she became interested in contemporary art and culture. In 1993 she started working in the investment field. While managing the assets of the acquired businesses, she received an MBA in Production Management in 2003. In November 2003, she began work as General Director of OJSC "Factory of technical papers" October ". Faced with the need to revise the activities of the Factory, in January 2005, she founded and opened on its territory the Center for Creative Industries (CTI) Factory (until 2012 - PROEKT_FABRIKA).

evening :

3:05 PM

3:10 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Dima Gushchin. Opening remarks


3:10 PM

3:30 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

The art of collage in collaboration with fashion and street


3:20 PM

3:25 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

Natalya Klimchuk. Opening remarks


3:25 PM

3:45 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

Who needs this: sound-oriented educational practices


3:30 PM

3:50 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Reconsidering of digital photography - new tools in the preparation, creation and presentation of photo projects


3:45 PM

4:05 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

EDAS. The book


3:50 PM

4:10 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Presentation of the new filming corps Mayak


4:05 PM

4:25 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

Far that will become close


4:10 PM

4:30 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Presentation of the new agency FASHION DEPT. Collaboration of professionals in the name of Fashion photography


4:35 PM

4:40 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Ivan Nefyodkin, Anna Smirnova. Opening remarks


4:40 PM

5:00 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Release of a new project by Generative Gallery


4:40 PM

5:10 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

NFT live performance by Brickspacer artist


5:00 PM

5:20 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Charity in NFT


5:55 PM

6:15 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

NFT series: new forms of interaction between technology and creativity
