TO THE DEPTH OF SIBERIA: Producing oil of the future Гудкова Виктория
This work
in other
This special project was created together with Gazprom Neft, a leader of the Russian oil refining sector, to demonstrate the importance of developing the Bazhenov Formation of difficult oil for the creation of new technologies and boosting the country’s economic progress.
Ideas and solutions
Highly specific information about oil production technology would have hardly appealed to the audience of the agency’s flagship website, Therefore, we needed to make the content look simple and understandable so as to attract readers and keep their attention. We went for scrollytelling, inviting the readers to go down under the Earth’s crust. As they move deeper down, they learn about difficult oil, its formation, and the technology used to produce it. Infographics was an obvious choice for visualizing drilling and production technologies. Bright illustrations created clear and attractive images that kept the audience’s attention until the end of the story. The multimedia story we have created to attain the company’s goal was fully in keeping with the KPI set by the customer (the details are withheld, for obvious reasons). This special project was one of the most popular on the website and successfully rivaled the editorial content with over 30,000 page views.