Total black

Total black Панфилов Илья

Interactive projects
Digital Campaigns
ASUS ZenBook

This work
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Special Projects


To tell users about the main advantages of ASUS ZenBook models with OLED display and to emphasize highly precise black color reproduction.

Ideas and solutions

We've taken a metaphorical approach to convey the brand's unique selling point — to tell users about black color rendering on ASUS Zenbook screens using the iconic total black phenomena. To do so, we've placed on the project page a guide containing materials about black phenomena: from Malevich's Black Square to black tie, from oil to film noir. The text was supplemented with product inserts about another modern phenomenon — an OLED display with highly precise rendering of the black color manufactured by ASUS. An interactive visual quiz based on color reproduction added an engaging aspect to the project. Each question offered the user one iconic total black item: for example, a black tuxedo or a black swan, and the task was to choose the phenomenon in its most saturated color. The project was also supplemented by Black Podcast, in which we discussed the darkest matters in the format of a lifestyle talk. Overall, we've released five podcasts featuring experts from different fields — people from fashion, science, art, and even stand-up comedy discussed black phenomena that turned human consciousness upside down.