Game mechanics for Rolf Digital Lab

Interactive projects
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Special Projects


Development of game mechanics for a car dealer "Rolf"

Ideas and solutions

We got an order to create a game and took our souls away, getting free rein and doing something cool with a lot of mechanics. We wanted the future players to have some real fun too! It was clear that at the start there should be clear onboarding, and during the game - instructions available to everyone. In particular, in the shops where it was necessary to show Rolf's services. We selected the most similar references, wrote down the nuances and began to work out the interfaces and game elements. We chose a type of implementation in which the game looks cool and works quickly and without lags on different devices. Even the control of the car was carefully honed and the factors that can influence it (puddles, spilled oil, etc.) were thought out. You find yourself in the role of a service master, take the customer's car and find out what needs to be done with it. Each client gives different tasks: change the oil or light bulbs, repaint the body, etc. The less time it takes for the task and the less damage the car gets, the more points you earn. You will have to perform some actions, and not just mechanically press a couple of buttons. In each workshop, players will find many interactive objects and their own mini-games.