Recycle Group x Manege easy digital agency

Interactive projects
Recycle Group x Manege

This work
in other

Websites Design


To create a website for the Resucle exhibition in Manezh, which will become its continuation in the digital environment

Ideas and solutions

The organic world and virtual life are so interconnected that the second has become our new reality, as natural for modern society as nature itself. The artists turned to Easy so that we would make not just a website accumulating all the information about the exhibition, but a full-fledged portal to the exhibition of the art collective, its continuation in the digital environment. As befits an object of modern art, the design turned out to be defiant, cutting into the memory and even provoking some reflection. Today it is difficult to imagine a day in absolute silence, digital noise knocks on our lives from all sides. — no exception, on the contrary: it is intentionally overloaded with information, but this house is tamed and obeys the laws of non-standard layout. We animated 3D models that are objects of installations at a real exhibition and turned them into videos. we launched several lines running in different directions, added pop-up windows, as in a browser without an ad blocker. To streamline this flashy Internet aesthetic, we integrated informative and multimedia blocks with photos and videos of past Recycle Group projects, expanded the grid of columns three times and filled almost all the empty space of the site, guided by the artistic vision of the art collective.