RRREACTION Илья Техликиди

Interactive projects
Digital Campaigns
Greenpeace Russia
The climate crisis problem


To strengthen the target audience's perception of the climate crisis as real, man-made and solvable problem (in Russian, the first letters of these 3 adjectives add up to the abbreviation of three 'R' — 'RRR' formula). TA — M/F 25-40 y.o. (progressive representatives of generation Y): skeptics, have critical thinking; active, open to changes; consume smart social content; cosmopolitan.

Ideas and solutions

#RRREACTION is the widescale digital campaign launched by Greenpeace Russia in 2020. The naming and content of the project reveals 'RRR' formula and encourages the audience to start responding to the climate crisis. We launched the project website and published exclusive content about the climate crisis during 7 months: web series episodes, interactive services and articles. The popular digital lifestyle website Afisha Daily has become the official media partner of the project. The key element of the campaign was the 7-episode web series #RRREACTION that was created in collaboration with HHD PROJECTS. It was released on the project website and Greenpeace Russia social networks. VKontakte, one of the largest Russian social networks, has become the exclusive partner of the series. All the episodes were voiced by famous Russian influencers relevant to the TA: musicians Ilya Lagutenko (Mumiy Troll), Monetochka, film critic Anton Dolin, stand-up comedian Andrei Beburishvili, TV host Maria Ivakova, actors Nikita Efremov, Varvara Shmykova & Yura Borisov. In each episode we asked the audience a provocative question about the climate crisis and encouraged them to leave their reaction in social networks with #RRREACTION hashtag. As part of the series, Russian music producer Skela (HHD) has developed an original 7-song soundtrack, which was inspired by the general project concept and the specific topics of each episode. THE RESULT: All the largest progressive media in the country, relevant to the TA, wrote about the project: Afisha Daily, Lenta.ru, The Village, Snob, Srsly, Buro, Sobaka, Knife, Tsekh, etc. The episodes have received over 8M views, thousands of likes, comments & reactions.