AXE Collision Games Goose Gaming

Interactive projects
Digital Campaigns


1. To expand the database of gamers, potential buyers of the AXE Leather & Cookies product (plan: 23,000 contacts). 2. To consolidate the presence of the AXE brand on the gaming territory. 3. To tell the audience about the new product with the help of interactive mechanics (plan: number of video content viewed: 19,550,000).

Ideas and solutions

Gamers are difficult to reach through traditional media channels, they are negative about direct advertising and are concerned about cybersecurity. To introduce the new Leather & Cookies fragrance, AXE reached out to users in a familiar environment and developed Russia's first branded PVP widget on Twitch. Viewers fought in a fighting game with each other right during the broadcast from popular streamers. The heroes of the game were characters in the form of eight-bit popular streamers, as well as Cookieman and Leatherman, who personified the new fragrance of AXE. Users pitted opponents against each other, as the cheeky scent of brutal leather confronts the warm scent of homemade cookies. In addition, we offered users another tournament format — Collision Heroes, where users could influence the course of events and "control" every streamer's action by voting. During the implementation, we faced two difficulties. 1. Twitch platform rules prohibit the use of advertising or sponsored content when creating extensions. But with the help of the AXE's colors and the location of the banner right above the widget, we were able to make the interactive overlay branded. 2. Twitch also prohibits the use of the keyboard to control the widget, but it does allow input blocks to enter text. Therefore, we created an invisible text field, which we hid behind the "enable control" button, making control of the fighters using the keyboard. After the widget we created, Twitch changed the internal regulations, describing our case as allowed. As a result, AXE became the leader in deodorant penetration among the audience under 24 years, with the highest gain on the market by +330 bps (Q3 2020 vs Q3 2019), which was also influenced by the campaign. Video content views — 38 million (plan: 19.5 million), collected contacts — more than 25 thousand (plan: 23 thousand).