"First hugs" - online school for parents from Huggies and Skillbox КБ-12
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Digital Campaigns
Huggies: get mothers BEFORE they receive competitor’s sample in maternity house: • Strengthen our positions in consideration set: + 3 p.p. (our maximum growth so far, BHT MillwardBrown). • For further conversion into purchase, we need to attract audience into CRM = significant increase in the proportion of pregnant: >30%. Skillbox: attract a new audience of pregnant women to the service with further conversion into purchase.
Ideas and solutions
Parents-to-be have a million questions at every stage, from pregnancy planning to a baby's first years of life. The Internet features an excessive amount of conflicting information, which often has nothing to do with the scientific approach or either common sense (for example, concerning vaccinations). Up to 2020, young parents in cities used to have the opportunity to be fully monitored by good doctors and even visit offline courses for pregnant women, while in the rest of Russia there has never been such an option. And in 2020, due to the pandemic, Moscow citizens have also been deprived of such an opportunity (offline courses were prohibited, the prenatal care system changed as well). Therefore, Huggies and Skillbox, have developed the first free educational product in Russia about pregnancy and the first years of a child's life. The course has been developed based on evidence-based medicine and WHO recommendations. The school was created by leading doctors and methodologists, with a well-known pediatrician as a curator, Fyodor Katasonov, author of a series of pediatric books "Fediatrics" and an adherent of evidence-based medicine. On the Skillbox platform, parents have access to 32 lessons, correspondent tests, lists of additional literature, as well as regular webinars with specialized professionals and opinion leaders (so that parents can get answers to questions that were not covered within the course). The project has demonstrated incredible results! • More than 30,000 young parents study at the school (which is 10% of the entire Skillbox audience); • 39% were actively involved and took more than 1 lesson (30% is the average value of other free courses); • Despite the deferred sales KPI, the audience has already bought Skillbox courses • Share of pregnant women among the attracted audience in CRM Huggies — 54% • Growth of social responsibility indicators of the Huggies brand (an indicator “It helps me feel that I am doing the best for my child”, etc.)