Innovation on the Move Гудкова Виктория

Special Projects
Gazprom Neft
RIA Novosti


This project focuses on one of the client’s products, lubricants, and their essential role in various industries. Our goal was to show readers that oils were a much more interesting subject than it may seem. Oils guarantee the uninterrupted operation of vehicles and a great variety of facilities. They help with the exploration of the Arctic and creating theatrical masterpieces.

Ideas and solutions

We divided the project into chapters explaining the role of lubricants in different areas and spheres such as agriculture, cultural institutions, industrial plants, the mining industry and the transportation sector. As users explore the project, they move from section to section, learning about the specific uses of lubricants in different areas. Each section features 3D models of facilities that use oil. The strong visual component of this project helps to illustrate complicated technical concepts, making it an easy and informative read.