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1:05 PM

1:15 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Фойе

How to talk about a museum that doesn't exist yet

куратор - Polina Knyazeva

Oxana Bondarenko

Oxana Bondarenko

Museum of Transport of Moscow , art manager, curator, director

Initiated the creation of a cultural foundation in support of Russian art Victoria Art Foundation (Switzerland / Russia). From 2014 to 2018 - Director of the Tretyakov Gallery Support Fund. Creator and organizer of cross-cultural projects in urban and public spaces of Moscow, Paris, New York as a curator and producer.

afternoon :

1:10 PM

1:15 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Lesha Zotov. Opening remarks


1:10 PM

1:30 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

How TikTok stars are born! Interview with an Elf-salesman


1:15 PM

1:35 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Фойе

Museums of the future


1:15 PM

1:45 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Release of the "Kill Boss" film


1:30 PM

1:50 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

How streamers became the new influencers


1:40 PM

2:00 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Фойе

A story in a minute: how are vertical videos changing the creative industry?


1:45 PM

2:15 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Release of the "Flashmob" film


2:00 PM

2:20 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Фойе

Creativity without borders. Export of creative industries on the example of the Russia Creates platform


2:10 PM

2:15 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

Dmitry Barsenkov. Opening remarks


2:15 PM

2:45 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Release of the "Syndrome" film


2:15 PM

2:35 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

Winery - yesterday, today, tomorrow


2:35 PM

2:55 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

Factory - from production to creativity


2:55 PM

3:15 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

Rurban Creative Lab and the problems of launching creative clusters in the regions


evening :

3:05 PM

3:10 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Dima Gushchin. Opening remarks


3:10 PM

3:30 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

The art of collage in collaboration with fashion and street


3:20 PM

3:25 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

Natalya Klimchuk. Opening remarks


3:25 PM

3:45 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

Who needs this: sound-oriented educational practices


3:30 PM

3:50 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Reconsidering of digital photography - new tools in the preparation, creation and presentation of photo projects


3:45 PM

4:05 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

EDAS. The book


3:50 PM

4:10 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Presentation of the new filming corps Mayak


4:05 PM

4:25 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Колонный зал

Far that will become close


4:10 PM

4:30 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Presentation of the new agency FASHION DEPT. Collaboration of professionals in the name of Fashion photography


4:35 PM

4:40 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Ivan Nefyodkin, Anna Smirnova. Opening remarks


4:40 PM

5:00 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Release of a new project by Generative Gallery


4:40 PM

5:10 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

NFT live performance by Brickspacer artist


5:00 PM

5:20 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

Charity in NFT


5:55 PM

6:15 PM

Moscow. Сultural center ZIL — Большой зал

NFT series: new forms of interaction between technology and creativity
